"Drops" is a sub-brand I proposed to my former employer Sanguina, a healthcare startup, in order to help build the brand as a trusted source of knowledge and education. A new drop "dropped" every Wednesday for 10 months on Sanguina's social channels.
The name is derived from the logo, which contains an icon that represents a drop of blood. The font, "Lindsey Pro", was chosen to mirror the look of notes taken by a student, the writing on a professor's chalkboard, and the scribbled prescription a doctor writes.
Results: By giving the videos a series name and logo I was able to cover many different topics in quick succession while maintaining a design consistency that complimented the company, but also left room for creativity with the style, design, and tone. This allowed the design team to explore various new design concepts while simultaneously helping build more trust with customers on topics relative to the company's products.
Playlist of various different "Drops"

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